2019.9.28 – 2020.2.9 高雄市立美術館101-103展覽室
Sept 28, 2019 – Feb 9, 2020 Galleries 101-103, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
This exhibition explores the world of tattooing and offers a unique approach to this ancestral practice, presenting historical and contemporary works from a variety of countries. This is an exhibition which, for the first time, presents the artistic dimension of tattooing and its history throughout human culture from its first appearance, paying homage to the contemporary pioneers. The musée du quai Branly reflects the growing interest given in our contemporary societies to this art, which is both a subject of fascination and of identity.
當刺青在技術操作與社會層面所具備豐厚歷史已獲得充分研究與表述的同時,刺青師與紋身者則是在我們的日常生活中作為此項藝術的代言人。然而,這些發展刺青藝術的藝術家從未獲得足夠的賞識。兩位策展人安妮與朱利安(Anne & Julien)因而運用廣泛的網絡,在此次大展中集結最重要的刺青藝術家的作品。
While tattooing has a rich technical and social history, which has already been thoroughly studied and represented, tattooists and the tattooed act as spokespeople for the art on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the role of these artists who have developed the art of tattooing has never been sufficiently appreciated. For the event, the exhibition's curators, Anne & Julien, have employed an extensive network to unite artworks by the most important tattoo artists.